
Brazil is classified as a developing nation due to its Human Development Index score. Brazil is a large nation located in South America. It is well endowed with various natural resources. The Human Development Index score is determined by specific criteria including education, Life expectancy, availability of technology, availability of healthcare and income. Since 2015, Brazil has experienced a high increase in its Human Development Index score. Today, it is classified as a “high” HDI nation. This means that it is in the upper quadrant that contains the upper tier of developing nations.

Question 1
Brazil has previously experienced financial problems. The financial problems emerged due to dictatorial government and corruption. Both the IMF and World Bank interfered with the aim of reducing inflation and improving exchange rates. For a long time, the government of Brazil worked closely with the two institutions in its efforts to settle the foreign debt, but the country’s debt situation only deteriorated (Remmer, 2004). Prior to obtaining any help from the IMF and World Bank, the country had to accent to its state of affairs, which involved executing the Structural Adjustment Programs. The program involved taking measures including minimization the growth in the money supply, liberalizing its foreign exchange, eliminating subsidies, minimizing government spending and removing price controls among other measures (Chossudovsky, 2003).

The IMF and World Bank have offered various economic developments. The efforts have been criticized for neglecting the needs of the poor majority and prioritizing multinational corporations and wealthy lenders in the industrialization. In Brazil, the IMF and World Bank has intervened in domestic politics by supporting one side in the heated social debate. As a result, the institutions have interfered in the most political of decisions involving the allocation of national resources (Santiso, 2001). Hence, they have undermined Brazil’s national democracy.

Brazil has had to adhere to the conditions set by the institutions so as to sustain its economy. When Brazil liberalized its foreign market, the country recorded a considerable growth in imports. This is not healthy for the country’s advancing economy (Danaher, 1994). The significance of IMF conditions could help Brazil through access to outside markets for its agricultural products. However, Brazil still faces market barriers for its products (Mosley et al., 1995). The broad market opening affected Brazil’s trade deficit and devalued its currency. Under the guise of advancing “free trade,” financial stability and market liberalization, the two institutions have forced a reduction in education, health care, and other social services thereby increasing inequality and deepening poverty.

On the other hand, IMF and World Bank have assisted Brazil stabilizing its economy and eradicating its debt crisis. Through Washington Consensus sponsored by the two institutions, Brazil implemented a fiscal policy, aimed at development programs, reducing government salaries and cutting down public sector investment.

Question 2
For Brazil, healthcare is a priority. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the state to ensure that health facilities are available and funded. Healthcare is a constitutional right in Brazil. The Health Ministry carries out national health policy while both the government and private sector are responsible for the provision of healthcare. The effects of a healthy population on the economy are clear. First, a nation with a healthy population finds it attain sustained growth. The provision of primary healthcare enables prevention of diseases for the benefit of the economy (Santiso, 2001).

Secondly, the healthcare performance is linked to economic prosperity. A healthy population can achieve better productivity. Thirdly, a healthy population has a higher life expectancy. This is necessary for economic development. Investment in healthcare is important for economic growth given that healthy workforce is more delivers consistent production. The fourth is that a healthy population reduces the burden of illnesses and costs associated with health issues. This benefits the rapid economic growth. In order to achieve these, the Brazilian government provides a universal healthcare system that allows citizens to afford private healthcare. The system is non-exclusive and accommodates everyone, including visitors (Falleti, 2010). The problem with its health care system is that a substantial amount of spending on healthcare is private.

Question 3
Brazil has faced a number of difficulties in its healthcare financing. This has been linked with low investment from the government. Despite the situation, the country does depend much on foreign aid to support the provision of healthcare to its citizens. Foreign aid is largely used for servicing its debts. The British government is a key supporter of Brazil. The country has made a substantial step towards the reduction of HIV/AIDS and has surpassed the expectations of the World Bank Brazil has emerged as a leader in the exchange of expertise and resources among developing countries. Brazil’s portfolio of domestically developed interventions, including the public production of ARVs and CCTs has positioned the country’s aid’s regime to capitalize on improving the national balance sheet. In 2015, Brazil enacted new legislation requiring international private investors to purchase and operate healthcare facilities in the nation. Investment in healthcare by foreigners has become desirable due to a reduction in value of domestic currency.

Starting a Service-based Business? Read These 4 Keys to Success

A service-based business offers services to people without selling tangible products. Think about salons, laundry services, wedding photographers, house cleaners, car repair companies and coaching service providers – they all are service-based businesses that help people get their stuff done. Starting these types of businesses usually costs less but there are a few challenges unique to this type of venture. If you’re reading this article, we can assume you are either planning to sell a unique service to people or you have already started your small business. So, whatever your idea is or business is about, here are the four keys to become a successful service provider in your industry.

Find Your Niche: Enter an industry that you’re familiar with and offer services that you would use yourself. You must be an expert of that field. If you’re passionate about something, selling might be easier for you. Are you offering what people want? What aspect of your business will make it appealing to customers? To get the answers to these questions, you need to focus on buyer person as, how you’re going to solve their problems, research your competitors in the market and identify interesting ways to attract customers.

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Set The Pricing Right: You are here to sell your time and expertise, so you need to choose the right pricing strategy. Price your services too high, and you can never win over your competitors. Price them too low, and you will never be able to turn your business into a successful company. Choose a striking balance between competitive rates and charging your customers for your time and service. The simplest way businesses can charge is by the hour. Your second option is to offer package services and charge a flat fee for a combination of services. You can also go with the combination pricing option and offer your services at an hourly rate and as part of a package.

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Learn to Manage Your Finances: A service business has lower overhead costs but that doesn’t mean you won’t have to have to take care of your finances. Keep track of all of your small business expenses, such as costs of buying new equipment or tools, payment to your vendors and employees and monthly rent if you are running your business from a shop. Create a cash flow budget, make financial projections, keep your payables up-to-date and track the credit you are extending to your customers.

Get Professional Help: Everyone needs help, especially small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs. Sometimes, it pays off to consult a small business mentor. Getting the right advice can be the difference between your success and failure. Seek professional advice from a business mentor to determine how to manage your business, know where it is heading and create an action plan for growth. Arrange one to one session with a professional small business mentoring service provider so as to get clarity about your business and create a strategic plan to take it to the next level.

Starting a service-based small business is cheap but it needs right skills, knowledge and professional guidance. When you find your niche, choose the right pricing, track your finances and get advice from a small business mentor, then you’ll be able to focus on the most important thing about your business: selling your service and making happy clients. So don’t wait, contact a small business mentoring service provider today to find new ways of selling your services and make your dream a profitable project.

The Big Stage

As a prosecutor, explain the final report to the prosecution of a case is always important. The first importance of this report is that it helps the prosecution to identify the critical elements of the case as well as the most reliable admissible evidence by which every element will get approval. This means that the report will help to identify any facts favorable to the defendant and any representations from the defense over the likely prosecution. The final report is also important to the prosecution because it helps in identifying the evidence which may be needed to rebut the likely lines of argument from the defendant (Gibson, 2002). In this case, the report provides expert evidence, to rebut any potential defense arguments by foreseeability. The final report to the prosecution of a case is also important because it encompasses the views of the victim on the suggested prosecution. If the victim’s statement has been taken, this becomes availed by the Approval Officer, and if the victim hasn’t made a statement, his views become nevertheless considered in the prosecution report. The final report to the prosecution of a case also sets out the aggravating, mitigating as well as other factors that are critical to sentencing. This serves the purpose of providing a vivid summary for the approval officer. As a result, it helps in a Friskies schedule production if the case is approved.

In the prosecution process, there is possible impact of poorly completed final reports on a case. Poorly completed final reports hinder the prosecution to prove guilt beyond reasonable doubt. Such reports fail to provide rebuttal from the defense, and as a result, the case can be lost. Poorly prepared final prosecution report can also lead to injustice to the defendant (Tong, Bryant & Horvath, 2009). This shows that the accused can get a harsher punishment than what is just. At the same time, poorly prepared prosecution report can lead to the miscarriage of justice whereby the defendant can be left off the hook because of prosecution negligence. Poorly prepared final prosecution reports can leave loopholes where the defense attorneys, as well as the judge, can dismiss the case. Finally, poorly prepared prosecution report for a case can make the court to demand fresh investigation and prosecution of the case. This is not only waste of time, but also criminal justice system resources.

There are different stages in the Criminal Justice Process where evidence is provided to merit the case. Each of these stages is important in building a successfully litigated action. The first evidentiary stage is the preliminary hearing. This stage is important because it determines whether or not there is enough evidence exists against the defendant to continue the litigated action. This process allows the prosecutor to test the evidential strength at his disposal. This is important in making the judge decide if a crime was indeed committed and if there is the likelihood that the person in the court committed it. Therefore, this process is important for successful litigation. The second stage where evidence is provided in the justice process is the information or indictment stage. In this case, the grand jury listens to the evidence from the prosecutor and determines whether a case needs to face the trial (National Institute of Justice & National Research Council, 2001). Hence, the prosecutor has to provide evidence to determine the probable cause to charge the defendant formally. The last stage in which evidence is provided in the court process takes place during the trial. This happens when there have not been pleas, or the case has been dismissed because of different reasons. During the trial process, there are laws which govern the evidence submission. These regulations are tightly procedural law as well as precedent controlled. During this process, the procedural law specifies the type of evidence to be submitted, the credentials allowed representing the parties and what the jury can hear. This is a stage whereby the prosecution is always tasked with proving the guilty beyond a reasonable doubt or the defendant is left off the hook by the judge during judgment. Therefore, the preliminary hearing, indictment, as well as the trial, is three states in the court process where evidence is provided. In sum, preliminary hearing evidence helps to convince the judge that the defendant has a case to answer while the indictment proves to the jury that the defendant is liable for prosecution. On the other hand, the trial evidence is important to ensure justice is served. Thus, the three stages are important for successful litigation action.

A criminal investigator plays important roles in preparing a case for the court. This involves collecting and using forensic evidence as a way of solves crimes. He or she also interview suspects, informants, as well as witnesses to determine alibis, time frames, clues as well as possible suspects. He also bags the evidence carefully to ensure that it meets prosecution. He also runs personal identification database as a way of obtaining matches. Criminal investigators also play a role of collect sufficient evidence to support criminal case in the court criminal. They also process crime scenes, file evidence, follow up on leads and prepare investigative reports to be used by the prosecution. They also attend and make autopsies notes and prepare evidence sketches as well as diagrams. Criminal investigators are also important in obtaining search warrants, carrying out surveillance to monitor suspects, analyze criminal tests among others.

The work of criminal investigators always involves cooperation with the prosecution as a way of enhancing courtroom presentation. Criminal investigators always work jointly with the prosecutor in explaining to the jury regarding the significance of evidence about the proof. They also collect sufficient evidence which is shared by the prosecution to support courtroom presentation. Criminal investigators also collaborate with prosecutors by sharing suspect interview responses. This is important in careful evidence presentation in the courtroom to ensure a successful prosecution.

Not guilty and acquitted are two terms that are always found in the criminal justice system. Acquittal is where the accused becomes free of the criminal charge based on the criminal law (Riddell, 1916). In this case, the prosecution has failed to proof its burden of proof. On the other hand, not guilty means legally blameless. This is where the court finds the offender blameless after the prosecution has provided its full evidence. Thus, Not guilty’ is a decision made by the court concerning an individual charged with committing a particular offense to being freed after being blameless while acquittal means the prosecution have failed in its duty. Therefore, in my opinion, an acquittal means that the investigator failed. The reason is that the investigators must always use his evidence and knit it to the case to convince the court that the defendant is guilty or has a case to answer. Therefore, the investigator must always follow the procedural law to guide the prosecution in defending the case.

In 20 years time, there are some changes that may permeate the criminal investigation. One of the will be the use of radio frequency in investigations. This will help to track evidence source as well as forensic details to facilitate successful prosecution.