School uniform policy


The assessment of the debate of whether children should wear school uniform is one that has been in existence for long amid the assertion that schools in the US should adopt a uniform policy. The adoption of the uniforms rules had been considered as a means of stopping children from dressing in gang colors in most of the troubled urban areas. Later, there were assertions that the introduction of school uniforms resulted in the better discipline while the results of these students improved, an issue that encouraged different districts as well as schools to implement the change. However, issues that support the desire not to have uniforms in the school incline me into supporting those who argue against the introduction of the uniform policy.

One of the assertions by the proponents of the school uniform policy is that it leads to the creation of a desirable feeling of belonging to an institution for the students wearing the uniform. The assertion is, however, wrong, as making the wearing of uniforms by the students will only lead to the hampering of the students’ original thinking. Compelling children to subscribe to a certain way of thinking hampers their independence in future, being unable to make their opinions without the assistance of others effectively. Everyone has a right to individuality, making one’s decisions as well as expressing their personality (Wilken, Ilani, & Van Aardt, P 159-184). Compelling children to wear the certain type of clothing thus is an infringement of their right of free expression. The assertion, in this case, is that the protection of the right to free expression is central to the development of the personalities of the young people, and choosing what to wear to should be left within their purview.

The assertion that adopting the policy on school uniforms is going to be a way of ensuring that the students are more focused on their education and not their clothes have been used to support the adoption of the uniform policy. The fact when it comes to the assessment of the issue is that school uniforms have become a means of promoting the element of conformity over the case for individuality. The culture that characterizes the current school environments is that promote the appreciation of the diversity of the children, which implies that the efforts that are geared towards the enforcement of the standardized dress code are a contradiction to this culture (Gentile, Elisabetta, & Imberman, P1-17). Further, the issue of the gendered schools that dictate boys have to wear pants while girls wear skirts, it brings new challenges in a society that is keen in accommodating the transgendered individuals, gender non-conforming as well as the gender fluid students who are left feeling ostracized.

There has been the assertion by the supporters of the policy on school uniforms that they assist in the creation of the leveled playing ground among the students from different background in addition to the reduction of peer pressure and bullying. The assertion has however been found to be flawed in that the adoption of school uniforms does not reduce the cases of bullying and that it has been seen to increase the case of bullying (Mimmo, P4-5). The issue here is that the introduction of the compulsory school uniforms the doubling of fights in the middle schools in the same year. The fact that there does not exist official data supporting the assertion that the introduction of the compulsory uniforms serves to reduce the case of violence in schools further serves to water down the argument of the parties supporting the introduction.

The argument that introducing uniform policy serves to enhance the pride of school, the unity as well as the community spirit. The fact of the matter, however, is that school uniforms fail to address an issue of academic preparedness, school attendance, and the exam results. The overall assertion is that the adoption of the school uniforms does not have any impact on the desire of the students to attend schools, behavioral improvements as well as issues of substance abuse (Brookshire, P6-18. It has become evident through research that school uniforms have no impact on the performance of the second-grade students in mathematics and reading examination, with the case being the same for the 10th-grade mathematics, reading, and history and science examinations.

The further assertion that school uniforms help parents to save money and thus supporting the adoption of the school uniform policy has been negated by the fact that the time that is spent addressing the enforcement of the district the stakeholders from resolving the core issues affecting the schools (Bhembe & Mfanzile, P20.35). The time and resources spent on the assessment of how the policy is going to be implemented only served to detract the concerned parties from the efforts meant to reduce the rates of crime as well as enhance school performance.

Crm at minitex

Minitrex Systems
The Minitrex Company is a business entity with different divisions under different personnel heads. The company has various data and information databases. The Minitrex Company has complete operations conducted under four divisions. The divisions include the sales and marketing department, the financing department and the insurance department. The company operates four data and database information systems which include the Customer Contacts System, the Management Business Center System, the Credit Administration System and the General Management System.

Customer Contacts Database

The customer contacts are a data and information system dedicated to serving the sales and marketing department. The database maintains and controls data and information for customers contacts. The main process of data and information entry into the customer’s contacts is through the customers having direct contact with the sales and marketing department. The customers can also get information through making a phone call. The customer contact is not shared with the other department divisions. However, the Customer contacts database share data involving the orders with the credit administration database. Customer contacts database also share data containing the products and services with General Management System.

General Management System
The other form of the data processing and management platform is the General Management System. The data and processing database are used by the department of insurance division the insurance division can receive bills from the customers. The General Management System shares data and information with the customer contacts database. The data and information shared includes the products and services.

Credit Administration System
The credit administration system is the data and information processing system that obtains the billing information from the insurance department. Credit Administration System shares the credit data and information with the customer contacts database. The General Management System is controlled and managed by the insurance department.

Management Business Center System
Management Business Center System manages and process data and information within the financing department. The financing department controls data and information stored in obtained by the customers. Management Business Center System share data and information concerning the orders placed by the customers. Management Business Center System supports the World Wide Web access to the internet.

CRM Minitrex Data
The Minitrex organization has three independent departments. The finance department, the sales and marketing department and the insurance department carry out their transactions on their individual operations. The customer accesses the Minitrex and services through contacting the four areas of customer service. The customers have the freedom of accessing any customer service. The vital data and information concerning the customer contacts information are not evenly distributed between the departments. The process of disseminating and sharing the information among then departments is not defined. The Minitrex organization encounter data and information redundancy resulting from customer’s inability to use a single point service point. The data stored in the Credit Administration System is similar to the data stored in Management Business Center System. The data and information stored by the processing unit lead to data and information redundancy. The departments have no developed mode of data and information sharing. Only a sing department has properly developed a system of education through the online network. The Management Business Center System has access to thru web services hence the customers can access the services through the online services.

Explanation for Calling a customer and Failing to know he is a Customer

An individual at Minitrex can call a customer and fail to know if he is a customer due to lack of sharing the customer contact data and information. The organization has no copy or way of accessing customer contact data and information. The situation results in the organization employee failing to understand their current customer. The poor communication results to the major operation of the company failing to get accomplished due to poor infrastructure of communication (Piercy, & Lane, 2009). The members from a different department like the finance and members of the department of insurance should shares data, and the information is containing the customer contacts. However, the failure may lead to the Minitrex workers calling and failing to identify the customer.

Explanation of failing to understand that the customer had called for the third time

The reason for failing to understand that the customer called for the third time is due to the lack of clear customer registration system. The communication m system at Minitrex has no way of recording the new customers within the organization. The customer contact processing unit doesn’t have the data and information for unregistered individuals. The data and information stored is only that exist within the database. When a call is made and happens that the one calling is not a registered customer, then the system has no record to indicate how many times the person has called through the system. The fact that the individual is new he is also new to the system and people when he is not recorded in the system database.

The Process of Implementing the Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

The Customer relationship management helps in making the general tasks and the functions involving the customers easily to operate for the customers. Jon Bettman should focus on implementing clear customer platform that shares data and information of the customers evenly to all individuals (Farkas, 2011). Denny Khan should design a dynamic communication system that should facilitate the customer data being disseminated across all departments. Denny Khan should implement the automation of the operations by designing an online platform that supports the customers (Schniederjans, et al…, 2012). The system should ensure that the customer can access the services and the functionalities of the Minitrex organization at any time. The company services should get availed to the clients to ensure that all the operations have been automated. The CRM is also achieved through making a simplified system that enables the customers to receive services at one point. The organization should concentrate the business operations to a customer care service n to promote the issue of standardization. Standard services are well offered by having only one point of service delivery (Peppers, & Rogers, 2011).

All departments should be linked by a single cloud-based architecture where all departments should access the company data and information. The cloud computing technology should get applied in the Minitrex Company to facilitate easier access and to unite the departments. Uniting the department shall lead to better terms among Mariella Hopkins, Harold Blumfen, and Jon Bettmann. The togetherness would promote the customers also to emulate the unity of the company. The organization should also avail the goods and services always to the customer have to ensure that they maintain them always. The platforms such as the social media and solution solving platforms should be implemented on the company website for entertaining the customers for social networking. The solutions and feedback to the clients should be made online through chat box (Fjermestad, & Romano, 2006).

Executive Summary Report to Health Minister Saudi Arabia

The vending machines are popping up everywhere in Saudi Arabia especially about the fast foods joints. The fact that they present us with a fast opportunity to get something that was unplanned to eat makes them acceptable in the society. The fast rate at which the community is growing and the fact that people have even lesser time to prepare for meals especially due to the planning attribute makes the emergence of these fast food vending machines extremely famous. The growing number of fast foods vending machines in Saudi Arabian hospitals is raising major concerns about the daily visitors to these facilities. These vending machines offer the patients and the other visitors to the facilities an easy way to obtain a quick snack for a few coins instead of having to carry food from home as well as having to go too far areas in search of a meal. However, the disadvantages that these machines present are a major concern that has led to the idea of replacing these machines with the healthy juice vending machines. The growth trend of health complications especially the case of child obesity has become a global problem and the Saudi Arabian nation is trying to look for the cases as well as solutions to the health trends.

Building the Executive Report Body
Vending machines offer one of the most convenient options that people have in accessing foods as well as drinks without having to travel for long distances looking for a shop or having to make plans of hat they are going to eat. Traditionally, these bending machines have been strategically located in areas that receive traffic entailing people who want quick solutions to their hunger and thirst needs. Some of these locations encompass the hospitals targeting the waiting customers, fast food joints where people go to get quick fixes as well as schools targeting the large population of students with pocket changes among others (Chahoud and Carter, 2006). The convenience that these unhealthy fast food joints come with grave adverse heath repercussions for the consumers of the products found in these machines.

Statistics indicate that the attainment of an optimally healthy heart demands that one should not consume more than 1500 milligrams of sodium on a daily basis. The human body demands sodium in the diet to guarantee that attainment of normal body fluid balance, with the consuming too much sodium increasing the likelihood of high blood pressure and the consequent risk of stroke. The consumption of junk foods from the unhealthy fast food vending machines as potato chips, pepperoni pizza is high in sodium and increases an individual’s risk of stroke. The journal of cerebral circulation reveals that there is an 18% increase in the risk of stroke for every 500 milligrams of sodium that an individual consumes above the recommendation (Wiecha, Jean L., et al., 1624-1630).

There is the trend on the cropping up of vending machines all over Saudi Arabia is one of the factors that has resulted in the development of this executive summary (Unhealthy Foods Bulk Of School Vending Machine Choices, p7). Most of these vending machines contain most products that are unhealthy such as the sugary products and the numerous other products that are promoting the unhealthy trend in the country. The fatty and sugary products that most of the vending machines provide makes it imperative that measures to address the trend are put in place. The fact that the unhealthy vending machines have encroached most of the hospitals in Saudi Arabia raises the concern about the healthy eating subject considering that the healthy facilities are supposed to enhance the health of their clients. The additional demerit relating to the growth of the unhealthy vending machines in Saudi Arabia is the fact that they mostly contain junk foods that are responsible for numerous lifestyle diseases. Some of these health challenges that the unhealthy fast food vending machines expose the population to include increasing the risks of stroke, tooth decay, gastrointestinal problems and weight gain among others. The introduction and the consequent replacement of the unhealthy vending machines that have become a culture in Saudi in hospitals as well as the other fast food joints are going to have an extremely beneficial attribute to the entire Saudi Arabian population.

The junk food that is available via the unhealthy fast food vending machines results in weight gain and other cases obesity. The common statics indicates that it takes an extra 3,500 calories in an individual’s diet every day to gain 1 pound of weight gain. Tooth decay as the additional result of the unhealthy fast food vending machines follows that a diet that is rich in sugary products increases and individual’s likelihood of developing cavities. The occurrence of tooth decay follows the breakdown of the enamel, which is the protective coating on teeth (Unhealthy Foods Bulk Of School Vending Machine Choices, p7). The eating of junk food that is high in the sugar content as candy as well as baked goods coats the mouth, gums, tongue and teeth with sugar, the component that attacks the enamel resulting in tooth decay and cavities.

Consumption of too much junk foods products can result in gastrointestinal challenges in that the processed foods contain very little if any dietary fiber. It is imperative that one including fiber in the diet to keep those bowels moving and if one did not eat the adequate amount of fiber, there is a high likelihood of developing constipation.

Most institutions are currently addressing the state of the vending machines in their vicinities containing the unhealthy products that are responsible for the health challenges. Starting the replacement of these unhealthy vending machines in hospitals as well as the other fast food joints in Saudi Arabia with fresh juice vending machines presents an opportunity for the county to improve the wellbeing of its citizenry. The successful realization of a healthy population by the Saudi Arabia population relies on the ability of the hospitals administration to ban the sale of sugary and fatty foods in the vending machines available in the facilities (Wiecha, Jean L., et al., 1624-1630). The campaign needs to extend to the other regions that have the selling of fast foods as they are the main proponents of the unhealthy eating that is accessed through these vending machines.

The continued growth of the trend for healthy foods has seen an increase in the consumption of vegetables and fruits during the meals as well as breaks, particularly revolving around the consumption of fruit juices and the freshly squeezed juice. Through the promotion of the replacement of the unhealthy vending machines with the fresh juice vending machines, the hospitals in Saudi Arabia will be able to improve the nutritional offerings in their cafeterias, vending machines as well as the meals that the patients consume (Vending Machines in Hospitals – Are They Healthy, 26-50). The growth in the awareness of the number of population that is aware of the healthy negative benefits associated with the unhealthy fast food vending machines implies that the idea of the fresh juice is going to be accepted. Consequently, there has been an escalation in the costs of accessing healthcare in Saudi Arabia as a result of the poor eating habits implies that the stakeholders in the healthcare sector are going to support the policy on the replacement of the unhealthy foods. Starting the change in hospitals offers the best opportunity to undertake mass education as the information they get comes from the sources that they trust with their health (Vending Machines in Hospitals – Are They Healthy, 2016). Additionally the need to cut on the hospital budgetary allocation by the government makes the policies relating to the replacement of these unhealthy vending machines with the fresh juice ones a success due to the involvement of the national leaders.

Thus, the overall attribute that supports the adoption of the fresh juice vending machines in hospitals, as well as the other fast foods joints, include the fact that the Saudi Arabia population is going to benefit from the realization of a healthy life. The reduction in the number of strokes, tooth decays, and obesity among the residents of Saudi Arabia will make the idea acceptable to the residents. The desire by the government to reduce their allocation to the healthy sector additionally implies that the strategy will receive the support of the government.

Weakness Area
The main weakness in the implementations of the fresh juice vending in Saudi Arabian hospitals as well as the other parts that sell fast foods is the fact that there is the lack of mass information. The lack of information to the masses on the health challenges that these unhealthy fast food vending machines present to them make it hard for them to make the informed decisions relating to their health benefits. Additionally the fact that the fresh juice vending machines are the a new topic in Saudi Arabia implies that the idea will take the time to gain track while the population will still be consuming the unhealthy products available in the fast food vending machines. The few fresh juice machines that are available in the regions additionally make it impossible for all the people with the desire to consume the healthy products gaining access to the fresh juice. The fact that the fresh juice vending machine is currently offering the fresh juice products is an additional attribute that limits its application as the users need other products other than the juice.

Opportunity Available Which Outside Abroad
The growing number of schools that are calling for healthy eating of their students offers an opportunity for the product. By liaising with the school administrations, we will be able to install the machines in the schools, an attribute that offers significant revenues. The numerous fast foods joints that are available in the region additionally present an opportunity that we will be exploiting. We will be stocking these fast food joint vending machines without fresh juice products, thus cutting the costs we would have incurred in installing the machines ourselves (Chahoud and Carter, 2014). The costs we save through this attribute will be used in stocking more vending machines in the fast joints, especially in Jeddah. The growing bad reputation of the fast foods joints offering spoilt products is an additional opportunity we will be taking advantage of by making our vending machines self-services joints that the customers serve themselves. The exponential growth of the fast food lovers in Saudi Arabia is an opportunity that offers a huge market for our fresh juice products.

The possible risk we run encountering is the court suits that the owners of the fast foods joints may make in barring us from using their machines, an attribute that will cost us market accessibility. Additionally, the stringent laws in Saudi Arabia regarding the establishment of new businesses are additionally a risk that could make us take longer as we wait for licensure. The penetration of the already existing fast food vendors into the fresh juice idea is an attribute that will significantly eat into our revenues as they already have the infrastructure.