Journal title
Internal Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
Springer Netherlands
URL link to “Information for Authors”
Intended audiences
Policy makers in the healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors, scholars in the clinical pharmacy discipline, general public
Mission of the journal
It intends to offer a platform for the publication of clinical pharmacy articles and related practice-oriented subjects in pharmaceutical sciences. They include clinical pharmacy, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacoeconomics, pharmaceutical care, pharmacy services research, clinical use of medicines, medical devices, and laboratory tests, and other clinical aspects of pharmacy
Publishing frequency
Bimonthly since 2011
Areas of topics
The scope of the Internal Journal of Clinical Pharmacy that entails the clinical pharmacy, its research and application in areas such as pharmaceutical care. Apart from this topics, others include Pharmacotherapy and outcome research
Clinical pharmacy
Pharmaceutical care
Pharmacy services research
Clinical use of medicines, medical equipment, and laboratory tests
Current information regarding medications and medical devices
Medication management
Other clinical aspects of pharmacy
Types of articles in this journal
Reviews: This kind of articles should not exceed 3000 words excluding abstract and references. The structure should be as follows: Introduction, Aim of the review, Method, Results, Discussion and Conclusion. A structured abstract of maximum 350 words with the headings should also be provided: Background, Aim of the Review, Method, Results, and Conclusion.
Research articles: This type of articles should not exceed 3000 words excluding tables, figures, abstract, and references. They structure should be as follows: Introduction, Aim of the study, Ethical approval, Method, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. A structured abstract of maximum 350 words with the headings: Background, Objective, Setting, Method, Main outcome measure, Results, Conclusion. Articles describing qualitative research get exemptions from having 4000 words in length.
Short research reports: This type of articles give the preliminary or limited results of original research and should not exceed 1500 words excluding abstract and have a maximum of 10 references. The structure of a short research report is similar to a research article, and they may only contain two tables or figures. The structure of the abstract of maximum 200 words with the headings: Background, Objective, Method, Results, Conclusion should get provided.
Case reports: This type of articles should not exceed 1500 words excluding abstract, but including a maximum of 10 references and only 1 table or figure. This kind of articles gets structured as follows: Introduction, Ethical approval, Case Description, Discussion, and Conclusion. A structured abstract of maximum 150 words with the headings: Case (description) and Conclusion should get provided.
Commentaries: This type of article allows writers to convey thoughts, considerations, opinions, or discuss issues. These articles should not exceed 2000 words, including a maximum of 20 references and only contain two tables or figures. An unstructured abstract of maximum 150 words gets required.
Letters to the Editor: Letters that comment on a published article will get considered for publication. The letters should not exceed 1000 words, including a maximum of 5 references and only containing a maximum of 1 table or figure. An abstract does not get required.
Brief description of the peer review process
All submissions including commentaries and letters were necessary to get peer reviewed by experts. The paper first gets checked for adherence to the instructions and the editorial policy of the journal. Plagiarism, as well as all references, then gets checked. If approved, the submission will be sent to reviewers. The review procedure takes approximately six weeks; although it may take up to 3 months sometimes. The author then receives information regarding acceptance of their article, needed revisions or rejection of their submission.
Impact factor
Current impact factor:
Impact Factor Rankings
2014 / 2015 Impact Factor
2013 Impact Factor
2012 Impact Factor
(Researchgate, 2016)
One unique/distinct aspect of the journal
The Journal has an entirely web-enabled manuscript submission and review system. The system provides authors the option of tracking the review process of their manuscripts in real time. The log-in and submission procedures provided by the online manuscript and review system are not only comfortable but also straightforward, hence providing little or no problems to authors. A wide range of submission file formats that include Word, WordPerfect, TXT, RTF, and LaTeX for article text and EPS, PS, TIFF, GIF, JPEG and PPT for figures get supported. Only PDF manuscripts have not got accepted.